Recruitment agencies

Recruitment agencies

Recruitment agencies

As a strategic partner, we offer our customers all the benefits of a preferred supplier of Blue Collar personal capital. We supply them of all the human reinforcements they need, the amount they need, the term they need. Without losing the flexibility. As a strategic partner, we offer you a wide range of orders from all kind of customer. So you are able to focus on recruiting ‘Blue (Collar) Handz’, while we focus on sales and closing a lot of orders.

We offer this huge benefit also without negotiating, managing and coordinating all the terms and conditions with these customers. As the trusted favorite preferred supplier of many wellknown companies, we not only manage our customers, we also manage our recruitment agencies, by offering them a lot of management information. As by this, we already offer a dozen of recruitment agencies our expertise, our management information and our demand. It is because we can offer you a ‘order’, our recruitment agencies can offer their employees a ‘job’.

“Did you ever experience you weren’t able to establish a coöperation with a customer, because they already maintain the contracts with their preffered suppliers?”

“Did you ever experience you weren’t able to establish a coöperation with a customer, because their demand was too big for you too handle?”

“Did you ever experience you weren’t able to establish a coöperation with a customer, because they required too much ‘paperwork’?”

If the answer is ‘Yes’, BlueHandz offers the solution! By meaning of a fully automated environment to which dozens of temporary employment agencies are connected. From request to invoice, everything is insightful and supported transparent.

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  • 100% independent
  • New assigments daily
  • Realtime management information
  • Transparents agreements
  • Variety of customers, so demand for ‘Blue (Collar) Handz’ year on
  • Transparency in costs, yours and ours!
  • Optimalisation of your flexible shell
  • Standersized invoice